Technical Article – SIYI A8 test flight videos

After installing a SIYI A8 on a Hexsoon EDU-450 I conducted several test flights to evaluate its video capabilities under various conditions.

I constructed a test mission with speeds of 5, 8 and 10 meters per second – and with turns with various degree of sharpness.

The video is direct from the camera – without post processing. The video is free of vibration and shows no signs of jello. There is at least one moment where the color is slightly off – but only for a second or two.

The dataflash BIN file for this flight shows no vibration caused by the gimbal. It can be downloaded here:

To evaluate the A8’s performance at higher speed I repeated the test mission at speeds up to 15 meters per second. (35 miles per hour)

The gimbal performance was good at the higher speed and showed no difficulty maintaining position with the higher wind force. But the drone’s roll angle on one of the tight turns exceeded the gimbal’s maximum roll. This caused the gimbal to get off center. There is a “re-center” capability from the ground controller, but I elected to continue the flight without it to see if it would self correct. It did self correct after a minute or two more into the flight.

The dataflash BIN file for this mission can be downloaded here:

I received an inquiry about the A8’s ability to capture video in dark conditions – as the A8 is marketed as having a “Starlight Camera.”

I conducted a hover test at night in my back yard. The yard has trees that block most of the sky’s residual light. However some can be seen at some points in the video. There is also a point where a car with headlights is passing on the street – and it shows up well in the video.